Tong Ren 101

In this approximately 3-hour course, you will learn the basic theory, history, and application of this powerful energy therapy developed by renowned Chinese acupuncturist, Tom Tam. In addition to lifelong access to the prerecorded class, you will receive a pdf of the course slideshow, handouts to facilitate your practice, and an optional 30-min Zoom call with Molly to ask questions and seek clarification. Learn how to support the health and wellbeing of yourself and others today!

Recommended supplies: Tong Ren Acupuncture Model and Tong Ren Therapy Hammer.

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

Course FAQ

  • This is a question we will exam in depth in the class, but the short answer is yes! The more we tap, whether for ourselves or others, the more we can release energetic blockages from our own bodies.

  • Technically there is no official certification for Tong Ren, because there is no certifying body for energy work. This allows practitioners of all levels to provide healing for themselves and others. Some Tong Ren teachers do provide certificates, but they create them themselves. If you’d like a certificate, I can create one for you (shoot me an email) but note that it’s not a legitimate document.

  • I used to offer this class live via Zoom. However, due to the nature of the content being quite dense, it can be a lot of information to take in all at once. The pre-recorded lectures allow students to learn in parts or all at once, and students can take the class at any time. The 30-min follow-up Zoom call included with the pre-recorded class gives students the option to ask questions directly and get clarification. I hope you like the course!